Life: How to use

Publié le par Florymawit




Life: How to use


When you resolve to give something,

Give with joy.

. Do not believe everything you say.

Does not discredit all who claim

to be untrue.

. When you say love you

demonstrate that love with gestures.

. When you say "excuse me"

look the other person straight in the eye.

. Believe in love at first sight.

. Believe dislike at first sight.

. Never pull the rug from others,

usually you are also on top of him.

. Live passionately

with all the injuries that

will entail: it is worth.

. Speak slowly and think fast.

. Do not judge a person by their relatives.

. If they ask something indiscreet,

smile and say:

"Why you want to know?"

The conversation usually ends there.

. Remember that great love

and represent the great achievements

great risks.

. Call your parents

and say how much you love them.

. When mistakes do not forget the lesson.

And fix what is possible.

. Always remember 3 things:

respect for yourself,

for others and for their acts.

. When answering the phone,

smile to say hello.

Who is on the other side of the line

will realize.

. Do not let the small fights

destroy the great friendships.

. Marry a man who

love to talk.

. Never forget that old age can

lose a lot but the ability

communication remains intact.

. Stand alone once in a while.

But only occasionally.

. Read more. watch less TV:

it is easier to pass on to their children

what you learned.

. Know that silence often

may be the best answer.

. Pray. The power of prayer is infinite.

. Read between the lines.

. Live a life that allows

look back and smile.

. In discussions with your loved ones,

focus on this and do not bring

the wounds of the past.

. When traveling,

visit a place where no one else

the tour was. This will be your place.

. You can have anything,

but can not have it all.

. Remember that your character

is a mirror of your destiny.

. Enjoy the luck when it

is in your favor.

. If you need to shoot the arrow of truth,

first soak the tip in honey.

. Ask for help and know recognize it.

. Learn all the rules,

and thus violates some

as possible.

. Choose your friends.

And choose your enemies,

does not give anyone the honor

to face it.

. When someone starts

to him verbally,

do not interrupt.

You will see that aggression is emptied


Author unknown


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