Hello Living for Christ Family.

Publié le par Florymawit

It has been sometime since I posted or was even here in group. I have been battling discouragement and unforgiveness  for some time. God has been faithful and has helped through this time. I experienced a dry time in my ministry and have questioned ,what does God want me to do for Him. I have had quite a time with my children through this, especially my son who is 24 and my daughter who is 16. My son is drinking heavy and my 16 year old daughter moved out of her dads house and is currently looking for a place of her own. I have been trying to plead with her to come live here in the states with me. She doesn't want to leave her friends. So I am lost as to what to do. I can only leave her and my son with the Lord. My children know how much this hurts me, and I feel helpless. I am a christian mother who cant even reach her own children. Please pray for them. I questioned my ministry through this. I share about love and try to encourage everyone with God's word, yet I can't even reach my own family for the Lord. I guess I understand what Jesus said, when he mentioned about " a prophet is without honor in his own home" . I am taking this one day at a time now, as I have to move on and do what the Lord wants me to do... and that is serve Him and others wholeheartedly. Bless you all. Brenda

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